Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)
: BD-4312-D
1 แผ่น
พากย์ : English LPCM 5.1 | บรรยาย: English/ Thai
ไม่ติด Cinavia เล่นได้ทุกเสียง
Eyes of Laura Mars has an intriguing premise -- which, alas, is abandoned halfway through in favor of gratuitous violence. The title character, played by Faye Dunaway, is a high-priced fashion photographer, specializing in gory "murder" layouts. When Laura is plagued by visions of genuine murders, she at first dismisses this as a by-product of her kinky specialty. And then she begins telepathically witnessing the bloody killings of her friends and co-workers, as seen through the eyes of the actual killer. Anyone who can't guess who the murderer is within five minutes deserves to be drummed out of the theatre in